Narri by Payel Kakad India's Most Trusted B2B Brand on Women Clothing

Distributor Application Form

Full Name :

Business Name :

Address :

City :

State :

ZIP Code :

Country :

Phone Number :

Email Address :

Nature of Business

Years in Business

Do you currently distribute any other clothing brands?

If yes, please specify :

Estimated Annual Sales Volume (in INR) :

Target Market :

Warehouse/Storage Capacity

If yes, please provide details

Number of Employees:

Geographical Areas Covered:

How do you plan to promote Narri By Payel Kakad products?
What is your sales strategy?
Do you have a website or online presence?

If yes, please provide the URL :

Please provide any additional information that you believe is relevant to your application:


I hereby declare that the information provided in this application form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false information may lead to the rejection of my application.